Reporting FAQs

Reporting and financial statement commonly asked questions

Updated over a week ago

Can I round my financial statements?

Yes - Enabling rounding will round your financial statements rounded to the nearest dollar.

To turn on this setting, go to:

  1. Practice Settings (⚙️ icon)

  2. Click Practice and Statements

  3. Click the Statements and Reporting tab

  4. Check Enable rounding

How to enable financial statement rounding

(Right-click to enlarge)

How can I deliver financials for prior periods?

When you go to reporting, the period that the reporting is based on is the close that you're currently in. So if you want to deliver financials from prior periods, you need to go to an older close (or create one if you haven't).

Click the arrow to switch between different closes to deliver reports for different periods.

How can I add legal disclaimers to my Management Reporting packages?

You can set practice-level legal disclaimers for your reports by going to:

  1. Practice Settings (⚙️ icon)

  2. Practice and Statements

  3. Click the Legal Disclaimers tab

You can set separate Cover Page and Footer Page legal disclaimers.

Document image

How can I add accounts to the Management Reports' Key Profit & Loss or Key Balance Sheet pages?

To add key accounts to the Profit and Loss or Balance Sheet:

  1. Open the client's close page

  2. Scroll to the Final Review section

  3. Hover your cursor next to an account

  4. Select the star 🌟 to note a key account

A key account in Keeper

Starred accounts, i.e., Hosting Fees (above), will now appear on the Key Profit and Loss or the Key Balance Sheet page in your Management Reports for this client.

How can I collapse the accounts in the Management Report?

To collapse the accounts in the Profit and Loss to show only Parent Accounts, enable the Collapsed setting in the report.

You can also enable Collapsed on the Balance Sheet to roll up all accounts to their corresponding categories. For example, this will roll up all bank accounts to the Bank Accounts category).

How to collapse accounts in management report

How can I change the order of my financial statements?

To change the order of the reports in the Financial Package section of the Management Report, click the hamburger menu and then choose the order of your financials.

How to change order of financial statements in management reports

How can I change the titles of my financial statements?

If you call your Profit and Loss an Income Statement or you work with nonprofits and call it a Statement of Activity, you can change the titles of your reports in the Management Reports.

To change the titles, go to the report settings (⚙️ icon) in the top left-hand corner, click Report Titles, and update the titles to your preference.

How to change financial statement titles

How can I right justify my Financial Statements?

To right justify the columns in your financial statements:

  1. Go to Practice Settings (⚙️)

  2. Click Practice and Statements

  3. Click Statements and Reporting

  4. Check ✔️ Enable Right Justified Reports

Note: enabling this setting will right-justify all financial statements in all Management Reports generated for all clients.

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