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Client Portal Questions FAQs

Troubleshooting common Client Portal question scenarios

Updated over a week ago

Where can I see all the questions I have asked my client?

You can see all the questions you've asked your client by going to that client's close page and going to the Client communication section.

Why can't my clients see the questions I have asked them in their portal?

There are four common reasons a client portal contact cannot see the questions you have added to their portal

  • Assignable questions is enabled but questions are unassigned

  • The question has been answered

  • The question is marked as resolved

  • The client is not in the right company (if merged contact)

Assignable Questions is Enabled

Client portal contacts cannot access questions if Assignable Questions are enabled but the questions have not been assigned to them.

If questions have been left unassigned, you'll see a notice at the top of your Portal Settings that says something like 'There are X questions that need to be assigned.' If that's the case, you need to assign questions to particular contacts for your contact to see them.

How to assign questions to client portal contacts

  1. Navigate to the Transaction or Non-Transaction Questions tab(s) under Client Communication

  2. Scroll to the right and find the Assignee column

    1. If the Assignee cell is blank, no contacts have access to the question

    2. If the Assignee cell has a name populated, only that portal contact has access to the question

  3. To assign or re-assign a question, click into the Assignee cell and choose a contact name from the drop down options

At this time, Keeper allows only one assignee per question when Assignable Questions is enabled.

The Question is Answered

If your clients have already submitted an answer to their question(s) in the portal, the questions get moved to the Answered tab. Client portal contacts can still access their Answered questions. Try having the client filter for All if they're having a tough time finding a question.

The Question is Resolved

Once a question has been marked as Resolved in Keeper, it is removed from the Client Portal. You can mark a question as resolved by selecting the checkmark to the left of the Client Feedback Status.

Learn more about resolved questions here.

The Contact is Merged with other Companies

If your client has more than one business, they may need to choose the correct business from the switcher tool in the top right-hand corner of the portal.

Not sure if your client has access to multiple companies?

Check their associated Client(s) under Practice Settings > Client Portal > All Contacts > Client(s) column

Learn more about merged client portals here!

What does the warning about questions not in this close mean?

You may see a warning on your Transaction Questions report telling you that there are questions not in the current close.

Questions not in close warning

For performance reasons, Keeper only pulls the latest 12 months of transactions in a given close. So if you are in the March 2022 close, Keeper will fetch data going back to April 2021.

As a result, if you have questions about transactions that predate April 2021, you will not see those transactions in this report, and you will need to go back to an older close to see them.

For more on going to an older close, see: Starting and Accessing Closes

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