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Management Reports in the Client Portal

How and where to view uploaded reports in the Client Portal

Updated over a week ago

You can use Keeper's Client Portal to deliver the Management Reports that you create for your clients. We also refer to them as Financial Reports.

Adding Financial Reports to the Client Portal

To add a report to the Client Portal, go to the Reporting tab on the client's close page, click the Publish button, and then Add to Client Portal. This adds the Keeper report to the portal.

Published reporting is only accessible to client portal contacts with Financials Access.

Uploading Custom Reports

If you use a different tool to create your management reports, you can upload those to Keeper instead of using Keeper's report builder.

To do this, instead of Add to Client Portal, choose Upload & publish custom report.

At this time, Keeper only supports publishing one report to the portal per close period.

Financial Access

If you want your contacts to see these reports, make sure to enable Financial Access in the Client Portal. If you have other contacts who shouldn't have access to financials, leaving this box unchecked will prevent them from accessing them.

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Financial Reports in the Client Portal

Uploaded financials can be found on the portal Dashboard.

If your client does not see the Financial Reporting section on their Dashboard tab, they may not have Financial Access enabled.

Uploaded financial reports in Client Portal

Preview what your client sees

  • Navigating to Portal Settings under the Close tab

  • Selecting the Preview (πŸ‘οΈ) icon to the right of the contact

Reviewing Uploaded Financials

To review and manage all Management Reports uploaded to the Client Portal:

  1. Select Publish

  2. Choose to Manage Published Financials

Management/Financial Reports are also accessible under your Files in Keeper.

  1. Go to Files at the top of the client's close page

  2. Expand the Financial Reports folder

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