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Client Details
Updated over a week ago

Client Details is a place where you can store important information about a client for later reference.

We recommend using Client Details for any information you want team members to access frequently. For storing other information, you can also use Client Notes.

You can use access the Client Info Page by clicking the Client Info / Files tab in any client's close.

Click here:

To get here:

Pin Details to the Close Page

If you'd like to more prominently display your Client Details, you can enable a setting to show them at all times on the Close Page.

To do that:

  1. Go to Practice Settings (โš™๏ธ)

  2. Click Practice and Statements

  3. Go to the Sections tab

  4. Check the Show Client Details box

Client Details Anywhere

You can access your client's details from any browser tab (including inside your client's QuickBooks file) with Keeper's Chrome Extension.

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