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Workflow FAQs
Updated over a week ago

How do I set up a task to repeat weekly?

To set up a task to repeat weekly,

  1. Click Add New under your Non-Closing Tasks

  2. Click the Repeat button to set a repeat frequency

All Closing Tasks automatically repeat monthly when you start a new close. Because of this, only non-closing tasks are able to be set up to repeat at a custom cadence.

Is there a way to bulk-add tasks to multiple clients?

Yes! You can create Close templates and bulk-apply them to all clients.

To bulk-add tasks to multiple clients:

  1. Go to Templates (on the Client List screen)

  2. Click the Task tab

  3. Select the template you would like to apply

  4. Click Add to Client (white button in top R corner of screen)

    1. If you would like to apply to all clients, select All Clients from the dropdown

    2. If you would like to apply to specific clients, select the clients by clicking their business name

  5. Click Add to Client

(Right-click to enlarge)

I just added a quarterly client, but they are not on the right close. How can I fix that?

When you add a new client to Keeper, they are added with their current close set to the latest close. For example, if you add them in June, they will automatically be set to the May close.

If you have a quarterly client whose closes do not overlap with the current close (e.g., their closes are December/March/June/September), you can start an older close and delete the current close to set them up on the right cycle.

To do that:

The video below walks through that process as well:

If this process still doesn't work for you, check your client's Fiscal Year in their Accounting Settings.

Quarterly closes take fiscal years into consideration, so you will be prompt to start a quarterly close on their closing cycle. For example, a client whose fiscal year starts in September will have the following quarterly closes: November, February, May, August.

When I create a close, where do my closing tasks copy from?

When you create a close, Keeper copies all the tasks from the latest close in Keeper.

For example, let's say you're working on a cleanup and have created the following closes: September 2023 and December 2022.

If you create a close for January 2023, Keeper will populate that close with the task list from the September 2023 close.

For this reason, if you're setting up a client's file, we recommend setting up their tasks in the latest close first before creating older closes.

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