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Task Templates

Create reusable bundles of tasks and questions

Updated over a week ago

Task Templates are how you can create bundles of Closing Tasks, Non-Closing Tasks, and Non-Transaction Questions to apply to new or existing clients in Keeper.

Task Templates are a great way to create reusable bundles of tasks or questions that you need often.

For example, you can create a Task Template for New Client Onboarding, cleanups, specific tasks for your eCommerce clients, or for specific payroll tasks for different payroll systems.

Once you have created a Task Template, you can apply it to any existing client. You can also add multiple templates to a client creating a new client.

Task Templates combine and replace what Keeper used to provide as Close Templates and Project Templates. Now, they're all in one location!

Video Overview

Navigating to Templates

You can navigate to Templates from the Client List, or from the close itself

  • From the Client List, select the Templates tab to expand your template options

  • From the client close, click the down arrow next to the Home button and choose Templates.

Close Assignees & Task Templates

If you assign a task in a Task Template to the preparer, reviewer, or manager that task will be automatically assigned to the preparer, reviewer, or manager of that client.

Close assignees

What if I change the close assignee?

If you change the preparer, reviewer, or manager you can re-apply the template to update the assignees.

For more on close assignees, check out:

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