Messaging the Client / Automated Reminders
Once you have asked questions in Keeper, there are two ways to let your clients know they have new questions in their portal:
Manually messaging them
Automated reminders
By default, all emails send from If you have Custom Branding (Whitelabel) enabled, these emails will send from the practice email you specify.
The first way to notify your clients is by manually emailing them. You can write a new email each time you need to notify your clients, or you can use an email template. Click HERE to learn more about email templates.
How to Send a Manual Email to a Client
Click Message Client
Review the Send To field
Select the contact you would like to email from the dropdown menu
If applicable, add an email template at the top right
Click Send
Automated Email Reminders
The second way to notify your clients is by enabling automated email reminders.
When this feature is enabled, Keeper will automatically email your client a reminder if they have any unanswered questions in their Client Portal.
Enable Automated Email Reminders
To enable automated email reminders, check the "Email Reminders Enabled" box on that client's close.
By default, these reminders will send once weekly at 8 AM ET on Monday.
Enable Automated Reminders in Bulk
In order to enable Client Portal Automated Reminders for you clients in bulk,
Navigate to your Practice Settings (⚙️ icon)
Click All Client Settings
Click the Close tab
Navigate to the Client Portal Reminders column
Choose between Email and Text reminders
Updating Automated Reminder Frequency
If you want to change the frequency of your Automated Reminders, you can do so at the practice level.
Navigate to your Practice Settings (⚙️ icon)
Select the Client Portal section to the left
Go to the Reminders tab
Click HERE to learn how to customize the messaging of the reminders email.
Reminder Email Triggers
If reminders are enabled, your clients will receive a reminder if they have at least one question that is both unresolved and unanswered.
Here are a few examples:
^ This question will not trigger a reminder email because the client has responded.
^ This question will not trigger a reminder email because you have marked it Resolved.
^ This question will trigger a reminder email because it is "Waiting on Client".
Note: You do not need to add a follow-up question to acknowledge receipt of a file. Asking a follow-up question will prompt the client for additional input.
Resending Reminder Emails
Occasionally, something will happen that prevents your reminder emails from sending properly.
To resend your automated reminder emails, go to your reminder settings and update the next reminder date to be one hour from now:
Go to your Practice Settings (⚙️ icon)
Navigate to the Client Portal section on the left
Select the Reminders tab
Update your Starts On and At settings
Starts on: Today's date
At: one hour from now (e.g., if it's currently 8 AM ET, set this to 9 AM ET).
Make sure the Next Reminder at the top right says it is scheduled for today.
Texting your Clients
Texting your clients is only available on Keeper Premium.
Setting up your practice phone number
How to enable texting
Practice Settings (⚙️ icon)
Click Client Portal
Select the Branding tab in the top menu
Select Practice Phone Number from the bottom menu
Select the phone number to use to text your client
This number is a no-reply number. Keeper numbers cannot receive text message responses at this time.
This number cannot be changed after it is selected! The number you choose for this feature is a new number issued to you through Keeper. It is not your current phone number.
This feature is currently only supported in the US and Canada.
How to Manually Send a Text to the Client
You can text your clients from their client close by
Selecting Message Client
Navigating to the Text Client tab
If applicable, choose a text template at the top right
Click Send
All texts will come from the practice number you've selected under Branding settings
This is currently a no-reply number
You will only be able to text Contacts that have a phone number associated with their contact information.
Automated Text Reminders
Text reminders work functionally the same as automated email reminders, but the reminder is sent as a text instead of an email.
These reminders will send at the same time as your automated email reminders. See here for how to change your reminder frequency.
To enable automated text reminders, check the "Text Reminders Enabled" box on that client's close.
Email Blasts
If you want to send an email to all your contacts, you can do this from your All Contacts tab in your Client Portal settings.
Click Practice Settings (⚙️ icon)
Click Client Portal
Click the All Contacts tab
Click the Send Email Blast button
Clicking that button will open an email editor that will let you send an email to some or all of your contacts.
For example, If you have a lot of clients, you can use the Intro Email template to easily invite all of your contacts to their new Client Portal.
Do my clients get emails when I ask a question?
No – clients are not notified when you ask a transaction question.
This is to allow you to prepare the list of questions you want to ask, and then send them a notification about all of them at once.
When you're ready, you can send manual emails notifying your clients about new questions in their portal or set up reminders to automatically email your clients on a certain day.
Will my client be notified when I answer their question?
NOT automatically - if you answer a question that your client asks you, Keeper will not automatically notify them.
Instead, when you're ready, you can use the We responded button in the Questions from Client section to tell them about it.
This will open up the email editor and pre-fill a template email that you can send to them through Keeper.
Can I change the practice phone number used to text clients?
No - this number cannot be changed after it is chosen.